
Thursday, June 24, 2010

So far. . .

Dear Cartoon network,

I have been a viewer and fan of this station for more than I can remember. I not only love this station itself, but what this station represents: a haven for those who can't find entertainment in the real world. With cartoons, the laws of the world are not present; kids’ imaginations cannot be bound by the gravity of this world. So I find myself in awe when you guys start airing live shows. Live shows are in my opinion no good for children; children should watch things that defy the realism of the world so that they may watch it and allow themselves to think in such a way.

As a viewer I do not understand your goal ever since the release of live shows. The success of Cartoon network has lasted for years and in those years never has there been a live show. So what I want to know is, why now? Cartoon network has aired amazing shows and has had a good reputation doing so

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach,

    I think you have an interesting argument against the programming of the Cartoon Network. And I like the reasoning about children needing that element of fantasy that cartoons provide.

    What you need, however, are very specific examples. You need to cite, both the animated features that you feel best illustrate the imaginative element and also the live features that do not.

    As a pro/con essay, you also need (early in the letter) to acknowledge arguments against your side. This lets the reader know that you have looked at both sides and have come to the conclusion that your side is stronger...and to persuade them that it is :) now need to send me the final letter as a Word 2003 document on email. That way, I can do a final check so that you can turn in the addressed envelope next Wednesday and both mail the letter and get credit for the assignment.

    The final letter is due to me by tomorrow.

    Let me know if you have questions.
    mrs s
