
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Earth hour

The idea of an hour on the earth where all the lights go off gives me mixed messages. It saves money, which is great! But what about the possibilities of crime increasing in that one hour? What are people to do if riots take place. The worst things could happen and we could all be in the dark(literally) about it.

Teen immaturity

I find this article interesting especially about the thing that teenagers use to think is impulsivity. It makes a lot more sense than this article tells me although when teenagers become adults though it sad that they don't use their impulsive parts of their brain because In my experience it makes conversations fun.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Teenage sleep

I feel this article is very informative. I feel that this sleep debt happens to me and that I too have trouble sleeping, especially at night. Also I'm also always tired so this article relates a lot to my life. For this to happen is very depressing and very frustrating in the eyes who fall under these studies and I feel that something has to be done to help those who have these problems so that they can sleep regularly and can regulate their lives without the need to sleep during the day and stay awake during the night.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

So far. . .

Dear Cartoon network,

I have been a viewer and fan of this station for more than I can remember. I not only love this station itself, but what this station represents: a haven for those who can't find entertainment in the real world. With cartoons, the laws of the world are not present; kids’ imaginations cannot be bound by the gravity of this world. So I find myself in awe when you guys start airing live shows. Live shows are in my opinion no good for children; children should watch things that defy the realism of the world so that they may watch it and allow themselves to think in such a way.

As a viewer I do not understand your goal ever since the release of live shows. The success of Cartoon network has lasted for years and in those years never has there been a live show. So what I want to know is, why now? Cartoon network has aired amazing shows and has had a good reputation doing so

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cartoonnetwork letter

The subject of my letter is Cartoonnetwork. I am writing about how they are now showing live shows (for which I house a great distate for) and how they are changing the name of Cartoonnetwork, and in a way changing the youth and how they think by airing these shows.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Inglorious Basterds

I remember this movie clear as day My friend Paul, and I snuck in after buying tickets for some kiddy movie. Inglorious Basterds is a rewrite of history during World War II and telling that tale/history is Quentin Tarantino. In it, you see two different but similar point of views, One is through the eyes of Lt. Aldo Raine, the leader of an all Jewish guerrilla regiment, now not much is explained of Aldo's background except a slash scar across his neck which leaves the viewers to use their imagination. Also is Shosanna, a Jewish female Parisian whose life was ruined due to Hans Landa a Colonel in the Nazi Party who was put in charge of finding the few remaining Jews in France. Landa, had killed Shosanna's entire family but she had managed to escape. This movie is beautifully executed from scene to scene in very fluid strides. The movie puts this weight of suspense on your shoulders and slowly as the scene progresses this weight grows larger and larger and then everything is dropped onto the floor into a graceful, climactic crash only to have the next chapter begin then the weight is picked up from the floor and is placed back on your shoulders slightly heavier each time until the movie finishes. By far the best movie I've seen